McMinnville Seventh-day Adventist Church


Summer Fun or Summer Fear

What feelings well up inside of you when you stand at the threshold of summer? Excitement? Anticipation? Relaxation? Enjoyment? What thoughts flood your mind? Family? Beach? Camping? Outdoors? Sunshine? Travel? Projects to complete? Gardening?

What does this sound like to you? To me, it sounds like what heaven will be like. Jesus says He’s gone to prepare us a place (John 14:2-3), and it is something so special that we haven’t even thought or imagined what it will be like (1 Corinthians 2:9). Now, do all summers turn out as described above? Sadly, no. Very often they sound more as follows.

What feelings well up inside when you stand at the threshold of summer? Dread? Unrealistic expectations? Overwhelmed? Weary from travel? Fear of terrorism and crazy people? What thoughts flood your mind? How am I going to manage or juggle all the expectations of my family? Sibling rivalry and conflict, and wishing the holidays would end? Travel plans and delays? What if our travel plans get hijacked by TSA delays, missed flights, or worse still, terrorist attacks? What if we had a car accident while in Mexico or some place far away from home?

Does this sound more realistic? Somewhat, although we still would like to believe that bad things will not happen to us. Deep inside, however, we realize that we are living in a very different world than the one we grew up in, and that it’s not realistic to think that we live in a naïve paradise of bliss. No, that’s why we believe in heaven.

So, how should I live, knowing that life is not perfect, knowing that life won’t always treat us kindly or fairly? My only hope as I face the future, and this summer season in particular, is to be sure of my relationship with the One who holds the future. Here are a couple Scriptures that give me hope and a firm foundation. Meditate on these and make them your own. They will ensure that you have a great summer.

“Fear not, for I am with you” (Isaiah 41:10 NKJV), and “we know that all things work together for good to those who love God.” (Romans 8:28 NKJV).

- Pastor Jerry Joubert